26th World Congress of Endourology(WCE) Nov 30 - Dec 3, 2008 Shanghai, China & Youth Committee
Dear colleagues,
Happy Chinese New Year!
I am Sun Yinghao, the executive president of 26th WCE. As you know, the 26th World Congress of Endourology will be held from November 30th to December 3rd in Shanghai, China. Aiming to provide a platform for young urologists all over the world to communicate, learn and promote mutually, we plan to organize a World Youth Committee of Endourlogy (WYCE) and set up a Young Investigator Session in 26th WCE. I think it is of great significance to make a good beginning of such kind of conferences for younger generation. And I believe it can greatly promote not only the international friendship of urologists but also the development of Endourology Community.
Urologists under 40 years old who are enthusiastic and interested in this session are welcome to attend this session. Participants of this session will have the opportunity to take part in the activity of China Trip of Young Urologists, in which they can travel together and further communicate with local young urologists. All their travel expense in China will be at our account. For more information, they can contact us via sunyh@medmail.com.cn, or log onto the website www.chinamed.com.cn/wce2008. It will be great and deeply appreciated if you can recommend some outstanding urologists in your country with their contact information or help us with the promotion of this session to the young urologists. Any of your kind suggestion on how to proceed with this session is welcome.
Look forward to your reply.
All best wishes.
Yinghao Sun
Professor Yinghao Sun Co & Executive President 26th World Congress of Endourology Changhai Hospital, Shanghai 2nd Military Medical University Email:sunyh@medmail.com.cn |