학술 행사일정

학술 행사일정

14th Meeting of the EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS21017)
일자: 2017-09-25 ~ 2017-09-27
장소: Bruges, Belgium
35th World Congress of Endourology (WCE2017)
일자: 2017-09-12 ~ 2017-09-16
장소: Vancouver, Canada
14th Annual Meeting of the East Asian Society of Endourology (EASE2017)
일자: 2017-08-04
장소: Hong Kong
제24차 정기학술대회 및 워크샵
일자: 2017-06-15 ~ 2017-06-16
장소: 세브란스병원 內 에비슨의생명연구센터(ABMRC) 1층 유일한홀
14th Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics (CILR2017)
일자: 2017-06-08 ~ 2017-06-10
장소: Bordeaux, France